Betheny Nursing Services care provide staffing services to hospitals, residential homes, nursing homes and the community

Absolutely the best company I have ever worked for. Ever since I joined the Betheny I’ve grown much in my profession. I’ve received outstanding training from both the health professionals and from the co-workers. The managers are amazing, and go above and beyond their duty of care.

The main uniqueness of the Betheny is the “Mobile App System”. It’s so user friendly and provides access to time sheet management (simply use your phone to create the timesheet), gives us possibility to view and apply for shifts, approved shifts, view earnings etc.etc…I love my job and my company… Many thanks! Highly recommended.

Mathew Thomas Many thanks

Betheny Nursing Care is one of the best agencies I have worked for in my career.

It is ran professionally by people who care about providing care to the vulnerable and provide continuous professional development support to all staff.

I would highly recommend this company to other nurses like myself who are looking for agency work.

Emma Broadfoot, RGN Many thanks